Interface | Description |
ByteString.ByteIterator |
This interface extends
Iterator<Byte> , so that we can return an unboxed byte . |
GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessage<MessageType,BuilderType>,BuilderType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableBuilder<MessageType,BuilderType>> | |
GeneratedMessageLite.Visitor |
An abstract visitor that the generated code calls into that we use to implement various features.
Internal.BooleanList |
List implementation that avoids boxing the elements into Booleans if possible. |
Internal.DoubleList |
List implementation that avoids boxing the elements into Doubles if possible. |
Internal.EnumLite |
Interface for an enum value or value descriptor, to be used in FieldSet.
Internal.EnumLiteMap<T extends Internal.EnumLite> |
Interface for an object which maps integers to
Internal.EnumLite s. |
Internal.FloatList |
List implementation that avoids boxing the elements into Floats if possible. |
Internal.IntList |
List implementation that avoids boxing the elements into Integers if possible. |
Internal.ListAdapter.Converter<F,T> |
Convert individual elements of the List from F to T.
Internal.LongList |
List implementation that avoids boxing the elements into Longs if possible. |
Internal.MapAdapter.Converter<A,B> |
An interface used to convert between two types.
Internal.ProtobufList<E> |
List to add the capability to make the list immutable and inspect if it is modifiable. |
LazyStringList |
An interface extending
List<String> that also provides access to the items of the list as UTF8-encoded
ByteString or byte[] objects. |
MessageLite |
Abstract interface implemented by Protocol Message objects.
MessageLite.Builder |
Abstract interface implemented by Protocol Message builders.
MessageLiteOrBuilder |
Base interface for methods common to
MessageLite and MessageLite.Builder to provide type equivalency. |
Parser<MessageType> |
Abstract interface for parsing Protocol Messages.
ProtocolStringList |
An interface extending
List<String> used for repeated string fields to provide optional access to the data as
a list of ByteStrings. |
Class | Description |
AbstractMessageLite<MessageType extends AbstractMessageLite<MessageType,BuilderType>,BuilderType extends AbstractMessageLite.Builder<MessageType,BuilderType>> |
A partial implementation of the
MessageLite interface which implements as many methods of that interface as
possible in terms of other methods. |
AbstractMessageLite.Builder<MessageType extends AbstractMessageLite<MessageType,BuilderType>,BuilderType extends AbstractMessageLite.Builder<MessageType,BuilderType>> |
A partial implementation of the
MessageLite.Builder interface which implements as many methods of that
interface as possible in terms of other methods. |
AbstractParser<MessageType extends MessageLite> |
A partial implementation of the
Parser interface which implements as many methods of that interface as
possible in terms of other methods. |
ByteOutput |
An output target for raw bytes.
ByteString |
Immutable sequence of bytes.
ByteString.Output |
Outputs to a
ByteString instance. |
CodedInputStream |
Reads and decodes protocol message fields.
CodedOutputStream |
Encodes and writes protocol message fields.
ExtensionLite<ContainingType extends MessageLite,Type> |
Lite interface that generated extensions implement.
ExtensionRegistryLite |
A table of known extensions, searchable by name or field number.
GeneratedMessageLite<MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite<MessageType,BuilderType>,BuilderType extends GeneratedMessageLite.Builder<MessageType,BuilderType>> |
All generated protocol message classes extend this class.
GeneratedMessageLite.Builder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite<MessageType,BuilderType>,BuilderType extends GeneratedMessageLite.Builder<MessageType,BuilderType>> | |
GeneratedMessageLite.DefaultInstanceBasedParser<T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T,?>> |
Parser implementation that delegates to the default instance. |
GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableBuilder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessage<MessageType,BuilderType>,BuilderType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableBuilder<MessageType,BuilderType>> |
Generated message builders for message types that contain extension ranges subclass this.
GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessage<MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessage<MessageType,BuilderType>,BuilderType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableBuilder<MessageType,BuilderType>> |
Generated message classes for message types that contain extension ranges subclass this.
GeneratedMessageLite.GeneratedExtension<ContainingType extends MessageLite,Type> |
Type used to represent generated extensions.
GeneratedMessageLite.MergeFromVisitor |
Implements field merging semantics over the visitor interface.
GeneratedMessageLite.SerializedForm |
A serialized (serializable) form of the generated message.
Internal |
The classes contained within are used internally by the Protocol Buffer library and generated message
Internal.ListAdapter<F,T> |
Provides an immutable view of
List<T> around a List<F> . |
Internal.MapAdapter<K,V,RealValue> |
Wrap around a
Map<K, RealValue> and provide a Map<K, V> interface. |
LazyField |
LazyField encapsulates the logic of lazily parsing message fields.
LazyFieldLite |
LazyFieldLite encapsulates the logic of lazily parsing message fields.
MapEntryLite<K,V> |
Implements the lite version of map entry messages.
MapFieldLite<K,V> |
Internal representation of map fields in generated lite-runtime messages.
ProtobufKernel |
Provides a utility method to initialize Protobuf library when it is embedded in a Kernel and its APIs are exposed to
UnknownFieldSetLite |
UnknownFieldSetLite is used to keep track of fields which were seen when parsing a protocol message but whose
field numbers or types are unrecognized. |
WireFormat |
This class is used internally by the Protocol Buffer library and generated message implementations.
Enum | Description |
GeneratedMessageLite.MethodToInvoke |
Defines which method path to invoke in
#dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke, Object...) . |
WireFormat.FieldType |
This is only here to support the lite runtime and should not be used by users.
WireFormat.JavaType |
This is only here to support the lite runtime and should not be used by users.
Exception | Description |
CodedOutputStream.OutOfSpaceException |
If you create a CodedOutputStream around a simple flat array, you must not attempt to write more bytes than the
array has space.
InvalidProtocolBufferException |
Thrown when a protocol message being parsed is invalid in some way, e.g.
UninitializedMessageException |
Thrown when attempting to build a protocol message that is missing required fields.
Annotation Type | Description |
ExperimentalApi |
Indicates a public API that can change at any time, and has no guarantee of API stability and backward-compatibility.