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WRITE - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothPermissions
Write access, no encryption required.
WRITE - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothProperties
Indicates that the characteristic value may be written.
WRITE_AUTH - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothPermissions
Write access, authentication required.
WRITE_ENCRYPT - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothPermissions
Write access, encryption required.
WRITE_NO_RESPONSE - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothProperties
Indicates that the characteristic value may be written (using write without response procedure).
WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothStatus
Write not permitted.
WRITE_REQUEST_REJECTED - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothStatus
Write request rejected.
WRITE_SIGNED - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothProperties
Indicates that the characteristic value may be written (using signed write procedure).
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