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sendNotification(BluetoothCharacteristic, byte[], boolean) - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothConnection
Sends a notification or indication on the given characteristic to a device.
sendPairRequest() - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothConnection
Initiates pairing with the device.
sendPairResponse(boolean) - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothConnection
Replies to the pairing request of the device.
sendPasskeyResponse(boolean, int) - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothConnection
Replies to the passkey request of the device.
sendReadRequest(BluetoothAttribute) - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothConnection
Sends a read request on the given attribute.
sendReadResponse(BluetoothAttribute, byte, byte[]) - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothConnection
Sends the response to a read request sent by a device on the given attribute.
sendWriteRequest(BluetoothAttribute, byte[]) - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothConnection
Sends a write request on the given attribute.
sendWriteResponse(BluetoothAttribute, byte) - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothConnection
Sends the response to a write request sent by a device on the given attribute.
SERVICE_DATA_UUID128 - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
Service Data - 128 bit UUID.
SERVICE_DATA_UUID16 - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
Service Data - 16 bit UUID.
SERVICE_DATA_UUID32 - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
Service Data - 32 bit UUID.
SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUID128_LIST - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
List of 128 bit Service Solicitation UUIDs.
SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUID16_LIST - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
List of 16 bit Service Solicitation UUIDs.
SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUID32_LIST - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
List of 32 bit Service Solicitation UUIDs.
SERVICE_UUID128_COMPLETE_LIST - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
Complete List of 128-bit Service UUIDs.
SERVICE_UUID128_INCOMPLETE_LIST - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
Incomplete List of 128-bit Service UUIDs.
SERVICE_UUID16_COMPLETE_LIST - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
Complete List of 16-bit Service UUIDs.
SERVICE_UUID16_INCOMPLETE_LIST - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
Incomplete List of 16-bit Service UUIDs.
SERVICE_UUID32_COMPLETE_LIST - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
Complete List of 32-bit Service UUIDs.
SERVICE_UUID32_INCOMPLETE_LIST - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
Incomplete List of 32-bit Service UUIDs.
setConnectionListener(ConnectionListener) - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter
Sets the listener which will receive the GAP events related to this adapter.
setLocalListener(LocalServiceListener) - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothService
Sets the listener which will receive the events related to this local service.
setRemoteListener(RemoteServiceListener) - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothService
Sets the listener which will receive the events related to this remote service.
SHORTENED_LOCAL_NAME - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
Shortened Local Name.
SLAVE_CONNECTION_INTERVAL_RANGE - Static variable in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothDataTypes
Slave Connection Interval Range.
startAdvertising(byte[]) - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter
Starts advertising.
startScanning(BluetoothScanFilter) - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter
Starts scanning.
stopAdvertising() - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter
Stops advertising.
stopScanning() - Method in class ej.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter
Stops scanning.
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