11. ChangeLog
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
11.1. [2.3.2]
11.1.1. Changed
- Update offline repository to add libraries removed from central repository.
11.2. [2.3.1]
11.2.1. Fixed
- Fix platform to keep main XTAL enabled in deepsleep power mode. Powering down the XTAL had side effects.
11.3. [2.3.0]
11.3.1. Changed
- Update SVG2MVG tools to limit the manual preprocessing of SVG files in Inkscape.
11.3.2. Fixed
- Fix inconsistent font sizes in Simulator and Embedded for different font files.
- Fix vectorFont drawStringArc inter characters space size.
11.3.3. Included Features
- Documentation
- MicroEJ player
- MIMXRT595-EVK (Rev. C1 and D) binary files: kernel and features
- MIMXRT595-EVK (Rev. C1 and D) board support package project (BSP)
- MicroEJ Wearable application source files
- MicroEJ partial repository
- Tools
- Watchface “Flower”: vector hands with gradient
- Watchface “Complete”: vector hands
- Watchface “LowPower”: watchface “Flower” without animations
- Watchface “Simple”: simple watchface as described in documentation
- Watchfaces selection list
- Applications list: zoom on items and fonts
- Application “Heart Rate”: graph
- Application “Activity”: vector arc with gradient and text with gradient
- Application “Compass”: software rotation
- Application “VG Mascot”: SVG image
- Application “VG Circle Arc”: vector drawings
- Network support on Wi-Fi WF200 module for Date and Time update from an NTP server.
Inspection of Java code quality of this version has been performed with SonarQube™, using the rules defined here: https://github.com/MicroEJ/ExampleTool-Sonar/tree/1.1.0/rules.
Platform and BSP
- MicroEJ “UI3” compatible
- MicroUI shapes drawings performed by the i.MX RT595 GPU
- Library VGLite: draw VG paths
- Library VectorFont: draw strings using TTF
Partial Repository
- [foundation library] com.microej.api.vivante-vglite-1.7.1
- [foundation library] com.microej.architecture.verisilicon.vivante-vglite-impl-1.7.1
- [foundation library] com.api.vector-font-1.3.2
- [foundation library] com.microej.vector-font-impl-1.3.2
- [foundation library] com.microej.pack.net-9.4.0
- [addon library] com.microej.vivante.utils-1.8.1
- [addon library] ej.libary.iot.wifi-util-2.1.1
- [frontpanel library] com.is2t.simulation.HILEngine-2.3.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.bon-1.2.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.drawing-1.0.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.vector-font-1.1.2
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.vivante-vglite-1.2.1
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.motion-1.0.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.vivante-utils-1.1.1
- [frontpanel library] ej.tool.frontpanel.vglite-1.1.0
- [frontpanel library] ej.tool.frontpanel.vectorfont-3.0.0
- MicroEJ Simulator Player: player to run the pre-compiled application.
- Tool SVG to Java class: convert
files in an immutables array usable in an application. - Tool rounded image to immutables array: convert an image to be used by software accelerated algorithm.
- Deploy tools
11.4. [2.2.0]
11.4.1. Added
- Add JRE in marketing bundle.
11.5. [2.1.0]
11.5.1. Added
- Add Network support and time update from an NTP server.
- Add Performance Profiles.
- Add Board Revisions Differences section.
- Add Systemview fake hardware tasks to track DMAs execution time.
- Add automatic power on/off of framebuffer memory partitions.
11.5.2. Changed
- Use animator provided by the Desktop (since MWT 3.2.0).
- Remove forks of observable classes and use observable lib instead.
- Change color of circle arc cursor in application list.
- Add start/stop methods in the ObservableService interface.
- Manage the feature loader as a service.
- LowPower watchface: update minute and hour hands angle only every minute and crop rendering to minimal possible area.
- Rework BSP clocks tree to optimize power consumption.
- Enable GPU clock only during GPU computation.
- Power down PMC not used blocks.
- Reduce MIPI EscRx and EscTx clock frequencies.
- Reduce RAM partition usage in POWER_SAVING performance profile.
- Disable PowerQuad in POWER_SAVING performace profile.
- Disable feature loader in POWER_SAVING perfomance profile
- Optimize SDMA copy using the bounds (ymin/ymax) calculated by the MicroUI Graphics Engine.
11.5.3. Fixed
- Fix RTC WAKE frequency incorrect define which leads to early wakeup in sleep mode.
- Fix missing MicroEJ VEE threads names in SYSTEMVIEW.
- Fix maximum performance profile VDD value to 0.900V.
11.5.4. Included Features
- Documentation
- MicroEJ player
- MIMXRT595-EVK (Rev. C1 and D) binary files: kernel and features
- MIMXRT595-EVK (Rev. C1 and D) board support package project (BSP)
- MicroEJ Wearable application source files
- MicroEJ partial repository
- Tools
- Watchface “Flower”: vector hands with gradient
- Watchface “Complete”: vector hands
- Watchface “LowPower”: watchface “Flower” without animations
- Watchface “Simple”: simple watchface as described in documentation
- Watchfaces selection list
- Applications list: zoom on items and fonts
- Application “Heart Rate”: graph
- Application “Activity”: vector arc with gradient and text with gradient
- Application “Compass”: software rotation
- Application “VG Mascot”: SVG image
- Application “VG Circle Arc”: vector drawings
- Network support on Wi-Fi WF200 module for Date and Time update from an NTP server.
Inspection of Java code quality of this version has been performed with SonarQube™, using the rules defined here: https://github.com/MicroEJ/ExampleTool-Sonar/tree/1.1.0/rules.
Platform and BSP
- MicroEJ “UI3” compatible
- MicroUI shapes drawings performed by the i.MX RT595 GPU
- Library VGLite: draw VG paths
- Library VectorFont: draw strings using TTF
Partial Repository
- [foundation library] com.microej.api.vivante-vglite-0.6.0
- [foundation library] com.microej.architecture.verisilicon.vivante-vglite-impl-0.6.0
- [foundation library] com.api.vector-font-0.2.0
- [foundation library] com.microej.vector-font-impl-0.2.1
- [foundation library] com.microej.pack.net-9.4.0
- [addon library] ej.library.eclasspath.collections-1.4.0
- [addon library] com.microej.vivante.utils-0.7.0
- [addon library] ej.library.ui.mwt-3.2.1
- [addon library] ej.libary.iot.wifi-util-2.1.1
- [frontpanel library] com.is2t.simulation.HILEngine-2.3.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.bon-1.2.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.microui-3.0.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.drawing-1.0.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.vector-font-1.0.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.vivante-vglite-1.1.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.basictool-1.2.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.service-1.1.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.motion-1.0.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.vivante-utils-1.0.0
- MicroEJ Simulator Player: player to run the pre-compiled application.
- Tool SVG to Java class: convert
files in an immutables array usable in an application. - Tool rounded image to immutables array: convert an image to be used by software accelerated algorithm.
- Deploy tools
11.6. [2.0.0]
11.6.1. Added
- Add multi-app support for watchfaces.
- Add Watchface “low power” : com.microej.demo.watch.watchface.flowerlp.
- Add Watchface “simple” : com.microej.demo.watch.watchface.simple.
- Add circle arc cursor in the application list.
- Add FreeRtos tickless feature with i.MX RT595 deepsleep mode.
- Add a Feature loader via usart.
11.6.2. Changed
- Change power level widget in sport watchface.
- Use fixed image/text spacing in the application list.
- Update MWT dependency.
- Replace CTIMER with RTC as hardware timer.
- Simplify buttons manager: send MicroUI Command on release event.
- VGLite library: clarify API and copy vg_lite.h comments.
- Support MIMXRT595-EVK Rev. C1 and D with LCD G1120B0MIPI
11.6.3. Removed
- Extract watchfaces code and utility code to external modules.
11.6.4. Fixed
- Fix carousel state after new layout.
- MicroUI for Multi-application mode (UI pack 13.0.5).
- Coherence of Vivante foundation library between API and implementation.
- Close VectorFont and VectorGraphics resources automatically.
- SVGTool: Generate unique internal fields.
11.6.5. Included Features
- Documentation
- MicroEJ player
- MIMXRT595-EVK (Rev. C1 and D) binary files: kernel and features
- MIMXRT595-EVK (Rev. C1 and D) board support package project (BSP)
- MicroEJ Wearable application source files
- MicroEJ partial repository
- Tools
- Watchface “Flower”: vector hands with gradient
- Watchface “Complete”: vector hands
- Watchface “LowPower”: watchface “Flower” without animations
- Watchface “Simple”: simple watchface as described in documentation
- Watchfaces selection list
- Applications list: zoom on items and fonts
- Application “Heart Rate”: graph
- Application “Activity”: vector arc with gradient and text with gradient
- Application “Compass”: software rotation
- Application “VG Mascot”: SVG image
- Application “VG Circle Arc”: vector drawings
Inspection of Java code quality of this version has been performed with SonarQube™, using the rules defined here: https://github.com/MicroEJ/ExampleTool-Sonar/tree/1.1.0/rules.
Platform and BSP
- MicroEJ “UI3” compatible
- MicroUI shapes drawings performed by the i.MX RT595 GPU
- Library VGLite: draw VG paths
- Library VectorFont: draw strings using TTF
Partial Repository
- [foundation library] com.microej.api.vivante-vglite-0.6.0
- [foundation library] com.microej.architecture.verisilicon.vivante-vglite-impl-0.6.0
- [foundation library] com.api.vector-font-0.2.0
- [foundation library] com.microej.vector-font-impl-0.2.1
- [addon library] ej.library.eclasspath.collections-1.4.0
- [addon library] com.microej.vivante.utils-0.7.0
- [addon library] ej.library.runtime.basictool-1.5.0
- [addon library] ej.library.ui.mwt-3.1.3
- [frontpanel library] com.is2t.simulation.HILEngine-2.3.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.bon-1.2.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.microui-3.0.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.drawing-1.0.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.vector-font-1.0.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.vivante-vglite-1.1.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.basictool-1.2.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.service-1.1.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.mwt-2.0.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.motion-1.0.0
- [kernel api] com.microej.kernelapi.vivante-utils-1.0.0
- [MicroEJ architecture UI] com.microej.architecture.CM4.CM4hardfp_IAR83-flopi4I35-ui-pack-13.0.5
- MicroEJ Simulator Player: player to run the pre-compiled application.
- Tool SVG to Java class: convert
files in an immutables array usable in an application. - Tool rounded image to immutables array: convert an image to be used by software accelerated algorithm.
- Deploy tools
11.7. [1.0.1]
11.7.1. Added
- Add section “Limitations” in the documentation that discusses the MicroEJ Architecture limitations in evaluation format.
11.7.2. Removed
- MicroEJ Architecture UI 13.0.3: use MicroEJ Central Repository instead.
11.7.3. Fixed
- An issue when drawing a circle arc with an arc angle of 360 degrees.
11.7.4. Included Features
- Documentation
- MicroEJ player
- MIMXRT595-EVK (Rev. C1) binary file
- MIMXRT595-EVK (Rev. C1) board support package project (BSP)
- MicroEJ Wearable application source files
- MicroEJ partial repository
- Tools
- Watchface “Flower”: vector hands with gradient
- Watchface “Complete”: vector hands
- Watchfaces selection list
- Applications list: zoom on items and fonts
- Application “Heart Rate”: graph
- Application “Activity”: vector arc with gradient and text with gradient
- Application “Compass”: software rotation
- Application “VG Mascot”: SVG image
- Application “VG Circle Arc”: vector drawings
Inspection of Java code quality of this version has been performed with SonarQube™, using the rules defined here: https://github.com/MicroEJ/ExampleTool-Sonar/tree/1.1.0/rules.
Platform and BSP
- MicroEJ “UI3” compatible
- MicroUI shapes drawings performed by the i.MX RT595 GPU
- Library VGLite: draw VG paths
- Library VectorFont: draw strings using TTF
Partial Repository
- [foundation library] com.microej.api.vivante-vglite-0.5.0
- [foundation library] com.microej.architecture.verisilicon.vivante-vglite-impl-0.5.0
- [foundation library] com.api.vector-font-0.2.0
- [foundation library] com.microej.vector-font-impl-0.2.1
- [addon library] ej.library.eclasspath.collections-1.4.0
- [addon library] com.microej.vivante.utils-0.7.0
- [frontpanel library] com.is2t.simulation.HILEngine-2.3.0
- [MicroEJ architecture UI] com.microej.architecture.CM4.CM4hardfp_IAR83-flopi4I35-ui-pack-13.0.3
- MicroEJ Simulator Player: player to run the pre-compiled application.
- Tool SVG to Java class: convert
files in an immutables array usable in an application. - Tool rounded image to immutables array: convert an image to be used by software accelerated algorithm.
- Deploy tools
11.8. [1.0.0]
11.8.1. Added
- Add documentation to help convert SVG unsupported by SVG2MVG tool to supported ones
- Introduce immutables generation
- Add section “Demo Architecture” in the documentation that discusses the general architecture of the software
11.8.2. Changed
- New platform build scripts (use latest Platform Qualification scripts)
- MIMXRT595-EVK Rev. C1 (instead of Rev B) with LCD G1120B0MIPI
- NXP SDK-2.8.0 (instead of SDK-2.6.2)
- VGLite 3.0.4-rev4 (instead of VGLite 2.0.13-rev2)
- IAR 8.50.6 (instead of 8.32)
- Update SVG2MVG tool capabilities in documentation
- Use MicroEJ Architecture in Evaluation mode instead of Production mode
- Reduce heap usage (Java, FreeRTOS, Freetype, VGLite)
- Refactor the application to make it easier to create a watchface
- Use SVG converted as immutables instead of Java code in the application
- Resize the UI of the application to fit the display size of the MIMXRT595-EVK Rev. C1 board
11.8.3. Removed
- IAR 8.32 patch for NXP i.MX RT595 in packaging
11.8.4. Fixed
- Remove clinit in VectorFont implementation
- Fix SVG2MVG tool usage in documentation
- Replace the Chinese font in the application
11.8.5. Included Features
- Documentation
- MicroEJ player
- MIMXRT595-EVK Rev. C1 binary file
- MIMXRT595-EVK Rev. C1 board support package project (BSP)
- MicroEJ Wearable application source files
- MicroEJ partial repository
- Tools
- Watchface “Flower”: vector hands with gradient
- Watchface “Complete”: vector hands
- Watchfaces selection list
- Applications list: zoom on items and fonts
- Application “Heart Rate”: graph
- Application “Activity”: vector arc with gradient and text with gradient
- Application “Compass”: software rotation
- Application “VG Mascot”: SVG image
- Application “VG Circle Arc”: vector drawings
Inspection of Java code quality of this version has been performed with SonarQube™, using the rules defined here: https://github.com/MicroEJ/ExampleTool-Sonar/tree/1.1.0/rules.
Platform and BSP
- MicroEJ “UI3” compatible
- MicroUI shapes drawings performed by the i.MX RT595 GPU
- Library VGLite: draw VG paths
- Library VectorFont: draw strings using TTF
Partial Repository
- [foundation library] com.microej.api.vivante-vglite-0.5.0
- [foundation library] com.microej.architecture.verisilicon.vivante-vglite-impl-0.5.0
- [foundation library] com.api.vector-font-0.2.0
- [foundation library] com.microej.vector-font-impl-0.2.1
- [addon library] ej.library.eclasspath.collections-1.4.0
- [addon library] com.microej.vivante.utils-0.7.0
- [frontpanel library] com.is2t.simulation.HILEngine-2.3.0
- [MicroEJ architecture UI] com.microej.architecture.CM4.CM4hardfp_IAR83-flopi4I35-ui-pack-13.0.3
- MicroEJ Simulator Player: player to run the pre-compiled application.
- Tool SVG to Java class: convert
files in an immutables array usable in an application. - Tool rounded image to immutables array: convert an image to be used by software accelerated algorithm.
- Deploy tools
11.9. [0.3.0]
11.9.1. Added
- Add IAR 8.32 patch for NXP i.MX RT595 in packaging
11.9.2. Changed
- Split the code of class StylesheetFactory for better readability
- Migrated to the latest and released versions of MicroUI/MWT/Widget
- Migrated to released versions of VGLite-Vivante and Vector-Font libraries
- Changed the implementation of performances optimization (Compass and Activity)
11.9.3. Fixed
- Limit heart rate values between min and max values
- Fixed issues reported by Sonar analysis
- tore-to-immutables: manage incompatible images
- svg-to-mvg: simplify generated Java file
11.9.4. Included Features
- Documentation
- MicroEJ player
- MIMXRT595-EVK EVK Rev. B binary file
- MIMXRT595-EVK EVK Rev. B board support package project (BSP)
- MicroEJ Wearable application source files
- MicroEJ partial repository
- Tools
- Watchface “Flower”: vector hands with gradient and dynamic curved text
- Watchface “Complete”: vector hands
- Watchfaces selection list
- Applications list: zoom on items and fonts
- Application “Heart Rate”: graph
- Application “Activity”: vector arcs with gradient and texts with gradient
- Application “Compass”: software rotation
- Application “VG Mascot and NXP”: SVG images
- Application “VG Circle Arc”: vector drawings
- Application “VG Font”: vector font drawings
- Application “Parameters” to change the application language
Platform and BSP
- MicroEJ “UI3” compatible
- MicroUI shapes drawings performed by the i.MX RT595 GPU
- Library VGLite: draw VG paths
- Library VectorFont: draw strings using TTF
- Wearable mock: simulate heart rate and power consumption
Partial Repository
- [foundation library] ej.api.microui-3.0.0
- [foundation library] ej.api.microui-3.0.1
- [foundation library] ej.api.drawing-1.0.0
- [foundation library] ej.api.edc-1.3.2
- [foundation library] ej.api.bon-1.4.0
- [foundation library] ej.api.sni-1.4.0
- [foundation library] com.microej.api.vivante-vglite-0.4.0
- [foundation library] com.microej.architecture.verisilicon.vivante-vglite-impl-0.4.0
- [foundation library] ej.api.vector-font-0.2.0
- [foundation library] com.microej.vector-font-impl-0.2.0
- [addon library] ej.library.ui.widget-3.1.0
- [addon library] ej.library.ui.mwt-3.1.0
- [addon library] ej.library.runtime.basictool-1.5.0
- [addon library] ej.library.runtime.service-1.1.1
- [addon library] ej.library.eclasspath.collections-1.4.0
- [addon library] com.microej.vivante.utils-0.6.0
- [frontpanel library] com.microej.pack.ui.ui-pack-13.0.0
- [frontpanel library] com.microej.pack.ui.ui-pack-13.0.1
- [frontpanel library] ej.tool.frontpanel.framework-1.1.0
- [frontpanel library] ej.tool.frontpanel.widget-2.0.0
- [frontpanel library] com.is2t.simulation.HILEngine-2.3.0
- [wearable mock] com.microej.demo.watch.imxrt595-0.1.0
- [MicroEJ architecture] com.is2t.CM4.platform.flopi4I35-7.14.0
- [MicroEJ architecture UI] com.is2t.CM4.platform.flopi4I35UI-13.0.2
- MicroEJ Simulator Player: player to run the pre-compiled application.
- Tool SVG to Java class: convert
files in a Java class usable in an application. - Tool rounded image to immutables array: convert an image to be used by software accelerated algorithm.
- Deploy tools
11.10. [0.2.0]
11.10.1. Added
- Use National Language Support (NLS) everywhere in the application
- Parameter page to change the language
- Dynamic date on watchface “Flower”
- Activity page: add calories arc and counter
- NXP logo rotating around the mascot on the Vector Mascot page
- VectorFont page
- Button to back from applications list to current watchface
- Wearable mock to simulate heart rate and power consumption
- Implementation of Software Accelerated Rotation on the simulator (front panel)
11.10.2. Changed
Replace addon library
by a foundation library:- ej.api.vector-font
- com.microej.vector-font-impl
Heart rate application: new chart and layout
Improve SystemView traces in vector libraries
Improve Compass page performances
11.10.3. Removed
- Old Freetype/TTF demonstration files from BSP
11.10.4. Fixed
- Fix wrong text position and size on some TTF
11.10.5. Included Features
- Documentation
- MicroEJ player
- MIMXRT595-EVK Rev. B binary file
- MIMXRT595-EVK Rev. B board support package project (BSP)
- MicroEJ Wearable application source files
- MicroEJ partial repository with MicroEJ UI3 artifacts (snapshots)
- Tools
- Watchface “Flower”: vector hands with gradient and dynamic curved text
- Watchface “Complete”: vector hands
- Watchfaces selection list
- Applications list: zoom on items and fonts
- Application “Heart Rate”: graph
- Application “Activity”: vector arcs with gradient and texts with gradient
- Application “Compass”: software rotation
- Application “VG Mascot and NXP”: SVG images
- Application “VG Circle Arc”: vector drawings
- Application “VG Font”: vector font drawings
- Application “Parameters” to change the application language
Platform and BSP
- MicroEJ “UI3” compatible
- MicroUI shapes drawings performed by the i.MX RT595 GPU
- Library VGLite: draw VG paths
- Library VectorFont: draw strings using TTF
- Wearable mock: simulate heart rate and power consumption
Partial Repository
- [foundation library] ej.api.microui-3.0.0-RC202007011514
- [foundation library] ej.api.drawing-1.0.0-RC202007011514
- [foundation library] ej.api.edc-1.3.2
- [foundation library] ej.api.bon-1.4.0
- [foundation library] ej.api.sni-1.4.0
- [foundation library] com.microej.api.vivante-vglite-0.4.0-RC202006231021
- [foundation library] com.microej.architecture.verisilicon.vivante-vglite-impl-0.4.0-RC202006231022
- [foundation library] ej.api.vector-font-0.2.0-RC202007071543
- [foundation library] com.microej.vector-font-impl-0.2.0-RC202007071734
- [addon library] ej.library.ui.widget-3.0.0-RC202007031003
- [addon library] ej.library.ui.mwt-3.0.0-RC202007031003
- [addon library] ej.library.runtime.basictool-1.4.0-RC202003261106
- [addon library] ej.library.runtime.service-1.1.1
- [addon library] ej.library.eclasspath.collections-1.4.0-RC202005201422
- [addon library] com.microej.vivante.utils-0.6.0-RC202006231024
- [frontpanel library] com.microej.pack.ui.ui-pack-13.0.0-RC202006051459
- [frontpanel library] ej.tool.frontpanel.framework-1.1.0
- [frontpanel library] ej.tool.frontpanel.widget-2.0.0-RC202004091644
- [frontpanel library] com.is2t.simulation.HILEngine-2.3.0
- [wearable mock] com.microej.demo.watch.imxrt595-0.1.0-RC202007091105
- [MicroEJ architecture] com.is2t.CM4.platform.flopi4I35-7.13.0
- [MicroEJ architecture UI] com.is2t.CM4.platform.flopi4I35UI-13.0.0-RC202006051500
- MicroEJ Simulator Player: player to run the pre-compiled application.
- Tool SVG to Java class: convert
files in a Java class usable in an application. - Tool rounded image to immutables array: convert an image to be used by software accelerated algorithm.
- Deploy tools
11.11. [0.1.0]
11.11.1. Added
- MicroEJ Wearable application built for MIMXRT595-EVK Rev. B.
- Application source files
- MicroEJ platform source files for MIMXRT595-EVK Rev. B
- BSP for MIMXRT595-EVK Rev. B
11.11.2. Included Features
- Documentation
- MicroEJ player
- MIMXRT595-EVK Rev. B binary file
- MIMXRT595-EVK Rev. B board support package project (BSP)
- MicroEJ Wearable application source files
- MicroEJ partial repository with MicroEJ UI3 artifacts (snapshots)
- Tools
- Watchface “Flower”: vector hands with gradient
- Watchface “Complete”: vector hands
- Watchfaces selection list
- Applications list: zoom on items and fonts
- Application “Heart Rate”: graph
- Application “Activity”: vector arc with gradient and text with gradient
- Application “Compass”: software rotation
- Application “VG Mascot”: SVG image
- Application “VG Circle Arc”: vector drawings
Platform and BSP
- MicroEJ “UI3” compatible
- MicroUI shapes drawings performed by the i.MX RT595 GPU
- Library VGLite: draw VG paths
- Library VectorFont: draw strings using TTF
Partial Repository
- [foundation library] ej.api.microui-3.0.0-RC202006111821
- [foundation library] ej.api.drawing-1.0.0-RC202006111821
- [foundation library] ej.api.edc-1.3.2
- [foundation library] ej.api.bon-1.4.0
- [foundation library] ej.api.sni-1.4.0-RC201910172353
- [foundation library] com.microej.api.vivante-vglite-0.4.0-RC202006231021
- [foundation library] com.microej.architecture.verisilicon.vivante-vglite-impl-0.4.0-RC202006231022
- [addon library] ej.library.ui.widget-3.0.0-RC202006191134
- [addon library] ej.library.ui.mwt-3.0.0-RC202006221229
- [addon library] ej.library.runtime.basictool-1.4.0-RC202003261106
- [addon library] ej.library.runtime.service-1.1.1
- [addon library] ej.library.eclasspath.collections-1.4.0-RC202005201422
- [addon library] com.microej.vivante.utils-0.6.0-RC202006231024
- [addon library] com.microej.library.ui.vector-font-0.5.0-RC202006231026
- [frontpanel library] com.microej.pack.ui.ui-pack-13.0.0-RC202006051459
- [frontpanel library] ej.tool.frontpanel.framework-1.1.0
- [frontpanel library] ej.tool.frontpanel.widget-2.0.0-RC202004091644
- [frontpanel library] com.is2t.simulation.HILEngine-2.3.0
- [MicroEJ architecture] com.is2t.CM4.platform.flopi4I35-7.13.0-RC202006172329
- [MicroEJ architecture UI] com.is2t.CM4.platform.flopi4I35UI-13.0.0-RC202006051500
- MicroEJ Simulator Player: player to run the pre-compiled application.
- Tool SVG to Java class: convert
files in a Java class usable in an application. - Tool rounded image to immutables array: convert an image to be used by software accelerated algorithm.
- Deploy tools