4. Kernel Documentation

4.1. Public Documentation

The Kernel Development Guide documents how to create a MICROEJ Kernel on a MICROEJ VEE.

4.2. Kernel on Cinterion MICROEJ VEE

In terms of functionalities available, a MICROEJ kernel is very similar to a MICROEJ standalone application. However, in practice, their contents are usually very different: the kernel does not contain any business logic and rather only defines a runtime API, the interfaces between applications, and the application lifecycle management.

As such, the requirements are the same as for the Standalone Application. Note that there is a specific Foundation Library KF which allows for Feature (Sandboxed Application) management and kernel-specific functionalities.

4.3. Cinterion Demonstration Kernel

This package contains an example of a kernel that manages applications locally-deployed on the module filesystem and updated with binary patches (see bsdiff).

Its runtime API is defined by the kernel.api file in its resources (partial EDC, Device, EClasspath Properties) and its dependencies:

<dependency org="com.microej.kernelapi" name="kf" rev="2.0.3" conf="kernelapi->default"/>
<dependency org="com.microej.kernelapi" name="ecom-comm" rev="1.0.4" conf="kernelapi->default"/>
<dependency org="com.microej.pack.ecom-mobile" name="ecom-mobile-kernelapi" rev="0.1.0" conf="kernelapi->default"/>
<dependency org="com.microej.pack.gnss" name="gnss-kernelapi" rev="1.0.0" conf="kernelapi->default"/>
<dependency org="com.microej.kernelapi" name="fs" rev="1.0.0" conf="kernelapi->default">
        <exclude org="ej.api" module="fs"/>
<dependency org="com.cinterion.pack.cinterion" name="cinterion-kernelapi" rev="1.3.0" conf="kernelapi->default"/>

<dependency org="com.microej.kernelapi" name="basictool" rev="1.2.0" conf="kernelapi->default"/>

<dependency org="com.microej.kernelapi" name="property" rev="1.1.0" conf="kernelapi->default"/>
<dependency org="com.microej.kernelapi" name="service" rev="1.1.0" conf="kernelapi->default"/>
<dependency org="com.microej.kernelapi" name="storage" rev="1.1.0" conf="kernelapi->default"/>
<dependency org="com.microej.kernelapi" name="wadapps" rev="2.2.0" conf="kernelapi->default"/>

The complete runtime API is documented in Kernel API Javadoc HTML Pages.

4.4. Customization

4.4.1. Application management

To change the application lifecycle management, edit the Java code in the Kernel project and use the KF API.

It is also possible to use the Wadapps Application Framework.

The features (sandboxed applications) can basically be installed from any sources (serial communication, network, storage, …).

4.4.2. Runtime API

For optimized footprint, the runtime API should be designed according to the application needs:

  • To be compatible with an application, the kernel must open a set of APIs. In case the application already exists, it is possible to generate its dependencies in the kernel API format using the Dependency Discoverer Tool with --output-format=xml.
  • To decrease the kernel footprint, make the runtime API as close as possible to the natives. To reduce the application footprint, make the runtime API as close as possible to the application code.
  • For this tradeoff, consider the updates required in production. A “low-level” kernel API will reduce the times the kernel must be updated but will increase the payload required for application updates.
  • Also, note that the kernel may embed code that will never be used by applications. A “low-level” runtime API is less likely to embed such code and is easier to design.

To append the runtime API, either:

  • add a dependency to a kernel API module
  • merge a kernel API file with the one in the kernel project resources.