2.7. Troubleshooting

2.7.1. The logging interface is not properly configured

It has been detected, that, under some circumstances on the PLS63 module, the redirection of the logs doesn’t work as expected. After the log.py config command, the logs may still be redirected to the Modem interface.

To check the configuration, run log.py info.

If the configuration fails, it is still possible to start the application and get the traces by using the command app.py logstart instead of app.py start.

Also, it is possible to manually configure the logging interface using AT commands: AT^SCFG="Userware/Trace/Interface","x" where x is the interface number (0 is the Modem interface).

2.7.2. A Python exception occurs

The Cinterion® IoT SDK uses Python scripts to interact with the module. These may lead to errors with no explicit messages.

Usually this happens if the path given is invalid: try to use absolute path and make sure the module filesytem paths are prefixed with A:/.

Also, it may happen when trying to upload a file but the filesystem has not enough space left. Check the free space with {Gemalto SDK}/tools> python fs.py gstat A:/.

2.7.3. The run.bat script fails with ERROR UNKNOWN

This error may happen if another application is already started. Check the application running with {Gemalto SDK}/tools> python app.py info.

It may also happen if the application requires too much RAM. To check the amount of RAM required by an application, run {Gemalto SDK}/tools/windows/llvm/bin/llvm-size.exe {Platform Sources}/cinterion-threadx-bsp/projects/cinterion/build/cinterion.elf.

2.7.4. Evaluation limits reached

When the platform is configured for evaluation (default), the core engine has additionnal limitations listed in Architecture Limitations.

The application must be restarted. To prevent this exit, configure the platform for production (See Platform Build, requires a production license).

2.7.5. Kernel: Error deleting application file

It has been detected that in some conditions, the demonstration kernel may not be able to properly delete the application file. If this happens, restart the kernel, the updated application will be loaded.

2.7.6. Simulation: NoSuchMethodError: SerialNativeInterface.getNativeLibraryVersion()

The mocks of the virtual device use jSSC for serial communication. It depends on a native library usually installed in the platform. If the system has the version 2.8 of the native library installed in ~/.jssc/{os}/: it conflicts with the one in the platform. A workaround is to move this native library.