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A8 - com.microej.wear.services.ExternalResourceService.ImageFormat
A8 format.
Activity - Interface in com.microej.wear.components
Represents an activity.
addConfigurationListener(TimeService.ConfigurationListener) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.TimeService
Adds the given TimeService.ConfigurationListener to the list of listeners that are notified when the time configuration of the device has changed.
ARGB4444 - com.microej.wear.services.ExternalResourceService.ImageFormat
ARGB4444 format.


close() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.ExternalResourceService.Writer
Closes this writer and clears all uncommitted native resources.
com.microej.wear - package com.microej.wear
Contains the core classes of the module.
com.microej.wear.components - package com.microej.wear.components
Contains interfaces to components provided by the Features to the Kernel.
com.microej.wear.services - package com.microej.wear.services
Contains interfaces to services provided by the Kernel to the Features.
commit() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.ExternalResourceService.Writer
Flushes all written data and finalizes the resource.
ComplicationDataSource - Interface in com.microej.wear.components
Represents a source of data that can be displayed on a watchface complication.
ComponentService - Interface in com.microej.wear.services
This service allows Features to register activities, watchfaces and complication data sources.
createExternalImage(String, int, ExternalResourceService.ImageFormat) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.ExternalResourceService
Creates an external image at the given path, converting it to the given format.
createExternalResource(String, int) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.ExternalResourceService
Creates an external resource at the given path.
createRenderable() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.Activity
Creates a renderable that renders this activity.
createRenderable() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.Watchface
Creates a renderable that renders this watchface.


deleteExternalResource(String) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.ExternalResourceService
Deletes the external resource at the given path.
DeviceService - Interface in com.microej.wear.services
This service allows Features to get device information.


ExternalResourceService - Interface in com.microej.wear.services
This service allows Features to create and delete external resources.
ExternalResourceService.ImageFormat - Enum in com.microej.wear.services
Enumerates supported image formats.
ExternalResourceService.Writer - Interface in com.microej.wear.services
Represents a writer to an external resource.


FontService - Interface in com.microej.wear.services
This service allows Features to get fonts.


getAwakeSleepDuration() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.HealthService
Returns the awake sleep duration.
getBatteryLevel() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.DeviceService
Returns the current battery level.
getBoldItalicFont() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.FontService
Returns the bold italic font.
getCalories() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.HealthService
Returns the number of calories burned in the current day.
getComplicationDataSources() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.ComponentService
Returns an array containing all the complication data sources.
getComponentService() - Static method in class com.microej.wear.KernelServiceProvider
Returns the component service instance.
getCurrentTime() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.TimeService
Returns the current time.
getDeepSleepDuration() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.HealthService
Returns the deep sleep duration.
getDeviceService() - Static method in class com.microej.wear.KernelServiceProvider
Returns the device service instance.
getExternalResourceService() - Static method in class com.microej.wear.KernelServiceProvider
Returns the external resources service instance.
getFontService() - Static method in class com.microej.wear.KernelServiceProvider
Returns the font service instance.
getHealthService() - Static method in class com.microej.wear.KernelServiceProvider
Returns the health service instance.
getHeartRate() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.HealthService
Returns the current heart rate.
getLightFont() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.FontService
Returns the light font.
getLightSleepDuration() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.HealthService
Returns the light sleep duration.
getName() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.Activity
Gets the name of this activity.
getNavigationService() - Static method in class com.microej.wear.KernelServiceProvider
Returns the navigation service instance.
getOxygenSaturation() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.HealthService
Returns the blood peripheral oxygen saturation.
getProgress() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.ComplicationDataSource
Returns the progress.
getRegularFont() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.FontService
Returns the regular font.
getRemSleepDuration() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.HealthService
Returns the REM sleep duration.
getSteps() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.HealthService
Returns the number of steps walked in the current day.
getText() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.ComplicationDataSource
Returns the text.
getTimer() - Static method in class com.microej.wear.KernelServiceProvider
Returns the timer instance.
getTimeService() - Static method in class com.microej.wear.KernelServiceProvider
Returns the time service instance.
getTimeZoneId() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.TimeService
Returns the current time zone ID.
getTimeZoneOffset() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.TimeService
Returns the current offset from UTC in seconds.


handleEvent(int) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.NavigationService
Handles a displayable event.
hasIcon() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.ComplicationDataSource
Returns whether this source provides an icon.
hasProgress() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.ComplicationDataSource
Returns whether this source provides a progress.
hasText() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.ComplicationDataSource
Returns whether this source provides a text.
HealthService - Interface in com.microej.wear.services
This service allows Features to get health information.


isBatteryCharging() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.DeviceService
Returns whether the battery is currently charging.


KernelServiceProvider - Class in com.microej.wear
Provides the instance of every Kernel service to the Features.


NavigationService - Interface in com.microej.wear.services
This service allows Features to navigate across the UI.


onAttached() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.Renderable
Called when this instance is scheduled for imminent rendering.
onDetached() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.Renderable
Called when this instance is no longer scheduled for imminent rendering.
onTimeConfigurationChanged(long, String, int) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.TimeService.ConfigurationListener
Called when the time configuration of the device has changed (date, time, time zone).


registerActivity(Activity) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.ComponentService
Registers the given activity.
registerComplicationDataSource(ComplicationDataSource) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.ComponentService
Registers the given complication data source.
registerWatchface(Watchface) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.ComponentService
Registers the given watchface.
removeConfigurationListener(TimeService.ConfigurationListener) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.TimeService
Removes the given TimeService.ConfigurationListener to the list of listeners that are notified when the time configuration of the device has changed.
render(GraphicsContext) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.Renderable
Renders this instance on the given graphics context.
Renderable - Interface in com.microej.wear.components
Represents a UI that can be rendered on a graphics context and that can be shown on the display.
renderIcon(GraphicsContext, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.Activity
Renders the icon of this activity.
renderIcon(GraphicsContext, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.ComplicationDataSource
Renders the icon.
renderPreview(GraphicsContext, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.Watchface
Renders a preview of this watchface.
RGB565 - com.microej.wear.services.ExternalResourceService.ImageFormat
RGB565 format.


setServices(Timer, ComponentService, NavigationService, FontService, ExternalResourceService, HealthService, DeviceService, TimeService) - Static method in class com.microej.wear.KernelServiceProvider
Sets the instance of every service.
setTimeConfiguration(long, String, int) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.TimeService
Sets the time configuration to use.
showOnDisplay() - Method in interface com.microej.wear.components.Renderable
Shows this instance on the display.


TimeService - Interface in com.microej.wear.services
This service allows Features to get time information.
TimeService.ConfigurationListener - Interface in com.microej.wear.services
The listener interface for receiving notifications when the time configuration of the device has changed (date, time, time zone).


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.microej.wear.services.ExternalResourceService.ImageFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.microej.wear.services.ExternalResourceService.ImageFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


Watchface - Interface in com.microej.wear.components
Represents a watchface.
write(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in interface com.microej.wear.services.ExternalResourceService.Writer
Writes the given data to the external resource.
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