All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description Activity Represents an activity.ComplicationDataSource Represents a source of data that can be displayed on a watchface complication.ComponentService This service allows Features to register activities, watchfaces and complication data sources.DeviceService This service allows Features to get device information.ExternalResourceService This service allows Features to create and delete external resources.ExternalResourceService.ImageFormat Enumerates supported image formats.ExternalResourceService.Writer Represents a writer to an external resource.FontService This service allows Features to get fonts.HealthService This service allows Features to get health information.KernelServiceProvider Provides the instance of every Kernel service to the Features.NavigationService This service allows Features to navigate across the UI.Renderable Represents a UI that can be rendered on a graphics context and that can be shown on the display.TimeService This service allows Features to get time information.TimeService.ConfigurationListener The listener interface for receiving notifications when the time configuration of the device has changed (date, time, time zone).Watchface Represents a watchface.